David is living proof that the most gifted seers are those who have lived the most tumultuous lives.
For decades, David struggled emotionally and financially as he worked to overcome the effects of the horrific abuse he experienced in childhood. His wealth of psychic gifts offered glimmers of hope and small breakthroughs that encouraged him. Unfortunately, addiction and toxicity pulled him back into the roiling waters of daily life.
While David always had lucid, prophetic dreams, he was surprised when, at the age of 72, he began dreaming of Africa. Those lucid dreams ignited his soul and set the stage for the incredible journey that continues to unfold today.
In his dreams, David was being called by three elder African kings, including a Gikuyu tribal elder to Mount Kenya. While these dreams felt important and compelling, the finances and logistics required to embark on such a voyage seemed impossible. Against the odds, and through multiple miracles and prophetic dreams, in December of 2018, David made the pilgrimage to Mount Kenya for the annual prayer walk.
During the festivities, Samuel Kamitha, a senior tribal elder and spokesman for the Gikuyu, emerged from the crowd to introduce himself. David immediately recognized him as the man from his dreams. Turns out, Samuel is a shaman and one of the twelve seers of Mount Kenya. He had been dreaming of David too. As he came forward, he said, “We have been waiting for you.”
After a series of initiations and energetic jolts that felt like lightning, The Eden Template had been transmitted to David. Once he experienced his own original soul blueprint and purpose through this powerful activation, he returned home to begin the work he came for.
After taking some much-needed time for clearing and integration, David began working with people to assist them in returning to their own original soul blueprint with The Eden Template. Through this transmission, David shares the primordial keys and codes of creation to each soul who receives it. Free from the patterns of struggle, scarcity, unworthiness and fear, clients are finally able to experience a life of ease and flow. This enables each person who receives The Eden Template to embrace, just as David did in Kenya, the reason they are here. And the cycle continues.
Though David knows what it’s like to feel broken beyond measure, he also knows a far greater truth: “No matter how broken you think you are, you’re not.” It’s this profoundly healing promise that forms the core of David’s work.
Upon his return to Kenya in 2020, David was recognized by the Gikuyu elders as the 13th Seer of Mount Kenya and in 2022 he was inducted / initiated as an elder and the first ever 13th Seer in the Gikuyu society.
Along with his private one-on-one clients and group events, he is the creator of the Eden Template course: Freedom from the Known, and continues to offer classes and function as an embodiment guide and way shower.
Like many light workers, Viivika was born into a family filled with drama and disharmony, which left deep wounds in her sensitive heart. Viivika was born as a highly sensitive empath and because of her very open body consciousness, she felt and experienced the feelings of others, different energies, the pain of others in her physical body, and also everything in the collective. She did not realize at the time that her strong empathy for all beings was due to a stronger connection with the heart of all Creation and the heart of the Cosmic Mother. The various traumas, guilt, and family programs that she received as baggage in her childhood greatly colored her view of the world and her vision of herself. She lived a large part of her life with fear and its shadow, suffering from anxiety disorders, severe depression, panic attacks, and social anxiety.
According to Viivika's soul plan, she sank deep into the web of oblivion, into the amnesia of human experience, and went through many sufferings. As a way shower, she did all this to show that even the most broken heart and wings can be healed through unconditional love. Viivika is a living example that even the deepest dramas, traumas, and self-hatred programs can be transformed into unconditional love.
On December 27. 2018, she experienced a spontaneous full body Kundalini awakening at the exact same moment that David was being initiated in Kenya. After this experience, she started getting different downloads, transmissions, and activations every night. Today, she is one of the conscious conduits of the Cosmic Mother.
"My role is to be a Holy mirror. If you experience others through the prism of Holy love, others will also experience themselves as you experience them, as Holy love."
Viivika and David now offer all of their classes together, and she continues to offer One-on-One Light Language sessions, which you can now book through our website..
After Viivika's full body kundalini awakening on December 27, 2018 at the exact same time that David was being initiated in Kenya, she felt the pull to find what at the time she did not know, she just knew that she had to search. So she began watching YouTube videos and all the while her High Self kept telling her not this, no, nope, zip, nada, until eventually soe listened to an interview with Elizabeth Wood & David. Immediately upon hearing his voice and seeing him, she knew she loved him, and signed up for one of his classes.
Upon seeing her in the class for the first time, he knew he loved her, yet had no more information, just feeling such immense love. As we began to know each other one day she wrote that she was experiencing the transmissions for the meditations that come through him at the same moment that he received them, we discovered the greater truth of this, and that is simply that we are One Soul. As we continued to explore our history in this life, we realized that we had been tracking with each other since birth and that we experienced similar, if not identical, experiences.
Now that we know deeper who we are as One Soul, we are working together all the time sharing classes, meditations, light language, having new and deeper classes coming through, and we both look forward to sharing with you.
The Eden Template classes and guided meditations are like a diamond crystalline seed, designed to open up long dormant neural pathways in us, and expand them, allowing more of our natural energy to flow through them, and for us to be conscious of that flow.
As the alignment of the newly opened pathways integrates deeper and deeper in us, we begin to align our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and release fear, anxiety, pain, lack, limitation of any kind, and there is less separation between them, and we emerge as our True Self, aligned with Source, the Creator, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, and our lives change in ways unimaginable to our prior selves.
The original crystalline energy grid created at the birth of Gaia, named The Eden Template, was sealed when antiquity was young to prevent its energetic misuse. A later partial manifestation of that original grid was what we know as Atlantis, and again access to it was sealed away from humanity, especially the master crystal which was sealed dimensionally in Mount Kenya in what has referred to as the Ark of the Covenant. Along with other sacred artifacts, this knowledge has always been protected and guarded by the twelve seers of the Gikyuyu people.
The master crystal is actually a diamond star and is the genesis of the creation energy of we refer to as the Garden of Eden. Unsealing this star crystal and reawakening the ancient grid was one of the reasons David was called to Mount Kenya. Many others knew of this calling and participated energetically. While circumambulating Mount Kenya the seals on the diamond star crystal were unlocked, and it fully awoke and began streaming its energies out onto the world, yet with an entirely a new energy, the new frequencies coming to earth now to assist all of us in our awakening.
As the Eden Star woke, not only was the ancient grid activated, connections were made to all of the large mountains around the world, especially with Mount Shasta in California, as they all contain their own Eden Stars and as the grid stabilizes there are many many "sub-station" crystals that are coming on line to amplify the entire grid.
The Eden Template is not just a template for the Garden of Eden on earth. It is the original template / blueprint for all Souls and all of Creation, no matter how large or small, whether it be a flower or a galaxy, a dimension or a universe, the energy is only one of scale, it is the Template of Creation itself. When the Template is awakened, integrated and stabilized in your heart, you become firmly anchored in its energy and it lives in you as you and radiates from you to all of life. In essence, once the Eden Template is fully active within you, you integrate your original Soul Template / Blueprint at the moment of it's creation.
If you are interested in having us speak with your group, organization, company, or you are guided to host an appearance in your city, please contact us for more information.
In Light and Service to All.