City of Light

Soul Family

Most of us don't awaken in a vacuum all by ourself. We are all connected and others always come forward during our journey of awakening to provide assistance and guidance just when we need it.

I love and honor my greater family of teachers and wayshowers who are walking with us and have walked with and stood by me during many days when I had to be talked back down from the edge.

Please check out their web sites and see if you resonate working with them.

Wanda Vitale - The Empowered Empaths

Althea Provost - Thea's Heart

Sandra Walter - Ascension Guide

Shelly Young - Trinity Esoterics

Helen Quail - Hellen

Ariana St. Clair - Starweaver Astrology

Miranda Willis - Radical Reconcilliation

Montserrat Isabel - Amapola Azul

Samual Kamitha and Gikuyu Civilization