Upcoming 2024 Classes & Events

Life is simply incredible in the ways that it comes to us, and it is wonderful to offer new classes this coming year.

Most classes begin between 9-11:00 am Pacific. Use the current time to convert to your time zone..


Viivika & David

Hinge algkavandi aratamineHinge algkavandi aratamine
Koos Viivika Sophia & David Mariaga
Laupaeval 7 detsembril kell 19:00 Eesti aja jargi
Online Zoom klass
Selle tunni tolgib otse eesti keelde Viivika Sophia

Iga kord kui me surime ja me ei maletanud kes me toeliselt oleme (enese teadvustamine Allikana), koges meie keha automaatset hirmu reaktsiooni, sest see motles et see on nuud koige lopp. See hirm tekitab vaikse suitsuse niidi, mis keerdub umber Allikatahe meie selgroo pohjas ning see ahendab ja monikord lammatab taielikult Allika, Looja energiavoo. See jargnev transmissioon, mida me jagame selles klassis, lahustab plokid, voimaldades selgroo pohjas oleval energiaallikal (Allika Tahel) uuesti voolama hakata. Vahel nimetatakse seda kundalini energiaks, kuid toeliselt on see meie loomulik olek, kus energia otse Allika-Loojalt voolab labi meie, nagu meie.

Kui mooda selgroogu ules voolav Allika energia jouab kroonini, valjub see pea ulaosast ja see energia voolab meie umber moodustades nagu loputu purskkaevu, luues katkematu voolu, moodustades meid pidevalt umbritseva Allika energia vertikaalse toroid valja.

Meie sudames on uks rakk, mille nimeks on Eedeni rakk (The Eden Cell.) Kuigi ka see on tihti olnud uinunud olekus, on see meie otsene uhendus meie algse puhtaima ja suutuima olekuga, meie sisemise Eedeniga. Selle transmissiooni jooksul me randame ka sellesse rakku, aratades selle ning avades selle taielikult. Kui see rakk avaneb, avaneb ka meie suda, luues horisontaalse toroid valja ja nuud voib meie fuusilise, emotsionaalse, mentaalse ja vaimse keha joondamise protsess toeliselt alata.

Peale klassi saadame ka salvestise.

energiavahetus tasu $44.00.

Viivika Sophia and David Maria

It is a blessing to be of service to you.


NOTE: Any class Viivika and David offer, except the Freedom From the Known and Abundance Without Limitations courses, can be received privately one-on-one for an energy exchange of $222. To schedule a single class simply book a private session by clicking on the Purchase button and then share with us what class you wish to receive.

If you wish to receive the Freedom From the Known and Abundance Without Limitations one-on-one, please contact us.

Completion of Soul Circuitry

Completion of Soul Circuitry - Initiation into Egyptian Pantheon
With David Maria
Offered on Request
Online Zoom Call

In ancient Mystery Schools, neophytes would arrive at a point in their trainings where they could present themselves as candidates for their final initiation(s). The trainings that neophytes underwent were arduous, dangerous, and life-threatening. and it might take many lifetimes to build their light bodies enough to be considered as a candidate.

PyramidsIn all cultures and civilizations, recent, ancient, living or extinct, large or small, whether it be the Mystery Schools of Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Mayan, Incan, Summarian, Indigenous traditions, present in all of them was the journey of initiation and mastery, whether it be a shamanic tradition within a tribal context or an entire civilization that was devoted to self-realization. These initiatory rites culminated in students presenting themselves as an Initiatory Candidate for their final trials to demonstrate their mastery, which was always a Life or Death passage. If you did not succeed you dropped your body and returned to non-physical.

The physical journeys of these initiatory rites are a mirror of the inner journey that leads us inwards into self-realization, and it is held in our neural net, the subconscious energy patterns of our nervous systems that are infused into our cells during the process. Completing this circuitry allows the lifetime(s) in question to merge into this Now Moment and the pull that it exerted ceases, allowing you to be fully sent here in this now moment.

Mystery SchoolMany that are in incarnation now have done one or more of these initiatory trials and did not succeed, and were not able to return and try again, and may feel the "pull" of those lifetimes calling out for completion. It's not about becoming everything Egyptian or Mayan or whomever and returning to that timeline and civilization, it's about completing the inner circuitry of the initiation itself.

This initiation is embodied in me and is offered in service as an opportunity to complete the energetic circuitry.

Mystery SchoolIf you feel called or guided to receive this initiation, you are one of those looking to complete the process. This will be the first time that I've publicly offered this.

The activation will be via Zoom.

I don't get nudged very often to receive or participate in sessions with others, but this one came into my field as one that’s aligned with a process I'm “completing”. I had a wonderful experience today and to quote myself afterwards, That was so satisfying, like completing a big cosmic checklist inside.

After this initiation a profound calm, a sense of home coming and one of reconnecting with childlike innocence came into me! I feel more alive and grounded in the body. I've noticed since the initiation, people are listening or hearing me differently. Words and guidance flow smoothly through this calm composure like being connected to an inner knowledge acquired in a previous Egyptian lifetime.

It is a blessing to be of service to all of you.

If you're called to this please the purchase button below to register.

Zoom Conference Call: The energy exchange is $222.00.
To schedule this activation, please contact me and we'll discover a time that works for us.

Please Note a recording of this initiation will not be available